
Our extra virgin olive oil comes from a hilly area of Abruzzo, a region in the center of Italy, land of small and high quality farms where products are made with hard work, with the knowledge of tradition and with the pleasure of sharing extraordinary taste.

About Francesca

Francesca is a passionate olive grower from an Italian family in Abruzzo.She is an expert of the European and North African olive oil producing countries and is a premium EVOO importer to the Dutch market.

About Francesca

Francesca is a passionate olive grower from an Italian family in Abruzzo.

She is an expert of the European and North African olive oil producing countries and is a premium EVOO importer to the Dutch market.

Olive Oil school

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a taste emphasiser, it is pure, it comes from a fruit, it has a long history, it is a base ingredient in the kitchen.

Often People starting to use Extra Virgin Olive Oil, food passionate or professionals would like to know more about it. I Offer different type of trainings.

All the sessions can be customized to the desire of the client.

Please get in contact with me for more questions or to set-up your training package.

Oil events with Francesca

Tasting sessions during fairs or presentations during specific culinary events are good opportunities to reach a large public and answer to some of the questions that people have about extra virgin olive oil.


De Ritis Oils

Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva

Selection of premium oils

by Francesca de Ritis


Francesca De Ritis

Zocherstraat 28, 1054 LZ – Amsterdam – Nederland
T. 0619614322